Steiner Law Offices, PLLC


Guardianship Lawyers Serving Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota, Bradenton and Venice

Whether protecting minor children, which are your highest, most important priority or helping elderly loved ones or anyone who is unable to make decisions for themselves, you may find your in need of guardianship. We understand this completely here at Steiner Law Offices and help you be there for your loved ones through our guardianship lawyers in Lakewood Ranch, FL. Visit our office for a free initial consultation and we’ll take some time to listen to your wishes and concerns. We will do our best to create documents for you that will have the best chance of holding up in court even after you’re gone, so you won’t have to worry.


We offer representation for the legal process of appointing a “competent adult,” or guardian, to be responsible for the care, custody, and control of a “vulnerable or incapacitated person,” or ward. Our pre-need guardianship lawyers are also qualified to help you nominate a pre-need guardian for a minor child, elderly loved one or anyone unable to make decisions for themselves through a written declaration. This ensures that your children and other loved ones are looked after by someone you trust if you should become incapacitated or pass on. This benefit is open to both biological and adoptive situations.


You never know what could happen, so if you’ve got someone depending on you financially or otherwise, it’s a good idea not to wait to enlist our attorneys’ help. Injuries, illness, and accidents can all impede or even eliminate your ability to care for those who need you, and our guardianship services can prepare everyone involved for these possibilities.

We can supplement this service with wills , trusts and other planning strategies and documents. Investing in our pre-need guardianship lawyers today could make a life changing difference in the future.


A guardian has the right to make healthcare and financial decisions for the ward, so such a protection is typically only for minor children and those with physical or mental limitations. If the parents of any children are still alive and able to do so, they can retain their parental rights, provide approval on any legal measures, and continue supporting their children financially. Guardianship can also be used to give parents legal liability for any assets their children inherit. Our guardianship lawyer is happy to walk you through the process.

A guardian can be any legal and competent adult, though keep in mind that the person may ask the court for relief of their responsibilities at any time. The ward in turn has the right to be present at any legal proceedings that concern their guardianship and obtain their own representation should they object to anything.

Contact Steiner Law Offices today for help with guardianship –

Contact us for personal and professional help with Business Law. We offer this to clients in Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota, Bradenton and Venice, Florida, including Sarasota County and Manatee County.

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